Sunday, March 16, 2008

Competition is strong.

This year, university admissions gonna be competitve due to dragon years ('88) graduating from polytechnics.
apparently most of them are vying for a place in local Unis but majority will end up in SIM due to affordability, practicality and perhaps that's the only way out if money is an issue.
3 main Unis simply don't have enough seats to accommodate all JC and polys grads.
only those with almost perfect GPA gets an admission.
i just feel that no one shld be deprived of the chance to further studies.
i'm more than glad to have a place in nus.
FASS is the next most sought after course in NUS after medicine and law.

i'm inspired to buck up and get decent CAP upon graduation.
shall not strip others of their opportunities and make the worst out of it.
gonna be such an arse.

just about another 30months!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Random blabbings.

I ought to find a smarter way to study.
See.. I only study 1 day before exams and although everytime it works but not to fullest extent.
A pass is just not good enough in NUS.

I find it harder to concentrate nowadays.
mind kept wandering..
readings too wordy and dry.
econs too technical and indigestible.
lit's just too painful to make sense of. luckily i've eugene to help me with take home assignments. he promised nothing below a B.

Rainy weather didnt make things better.
I want my Ice Blended Mocha.
I'm just being total random & distracted over every small little things that's going on.
best part, im not even feeling sleepy or anything. i woke at 8am!

Crap. I know i'll be blogging at whichever blog soon.